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  1. Diamond, Dan; Duplacey, James; Dinger, Ralph; Kuperman, Igor and Zweig, Eric. Total Hockey - The Official Encyclopedia of the National Hockey League. Andrew McMeel Publishing, Kansas City, 1998.

  2. NHL Communications Group. The National Hockey League Official Guide & Record Book 1993-1994. The National Hockey League, Montreal, 1993.

  3. Makridakis, Spyros; Wheelwright, Stephen C. and Hyndman, Rob J. Forecasting Methods and Applications. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Toronto, 1998.

  4. Moore, David; McCabe, George. Introduction to the practice of Statistics. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1993.

  5. The Internet Hockey Database.

  6. NHL Archive at LCS Hockey.

  7. Statistics 443 Lecture Notes, University of Waterloo.
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